10 December 2017

starting fresh, all the info here

Hello everyone!

I'm so happy to say that here it is my new portfolio! I had another blog that I'll delete. I was bored of it so... Let's start fresh!

I'll publish similar things (my outfits and ideas) but with a new organization. Which is simple:

Where I'll publish everything about make-up, hair-do, 
accesories, changes in my doll face...

In the challenge section there will be battle of styles, challenges 
of wearing a concrete item, crazy combinations...

Here everything about decorating my suite. I'm not good at it 
at all, so this section will be pretty empty haha

I see great looks and suites every day, so all those I want to 
show you will be here, in the features section.

Random... What will I'll submit here? All my ideas, reflections, 
and random things that can't be in any other sections.

And finally styling is, without doubts, my favourite section. Everything about outfits. I can be ootd, new brands releases styling items from these collections... Or just random outfits that I want to submit.

And that's all for now. You can find these sections in the menu on the top and on the right of the blog.
You can see all the labels also on the right part of the blog, if you're looking for something in concrete.

AND, if you have anything to say/ask, feel free to leave your comment in the entries you want. I'll reply as soon as I can!

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