25 February 2018

more of the same

I'm boooored of always the same.
Because I feel like lately all the outfits are exactly the same.

Two words. Gucci and Balenciaga.
Maybe Vetements and some other similar brands as well.

C'mon, all the outfits have red and green stripes, crossbody belts and bags, knife boots, big Balenciaga logos... Bored, bored, bored...

I really think that not only for wearing high couture brands or the last trends, you know how to dress well. I prefer wearing things that don't have logos or aren't the most recognizable things.
I think that's the worst part, to believe that "I can match them with whatever, who cares? I'm wearing the super cool Gucci/Balenciaga item yay!"

There are many other brands that are everywhere lately (Fendi, Dior, Celine...). But they aren't just some elements that has become famous. They are integrated in the outfits, they reflect their personalities... They aren't just a belt with two G's over whatever you wear. 

I love seeing the Fashion Week stree style. But this time, every outfit I saw was like "that's Gucci... that's Balenciaga... Gucci again... Yeah, Gucci too...".

I also used those elements, not all of them and only on a few occasions, but I did. 
I like these things, I think it's funny at the begining. But now it's boring.

 I felt the need to say it.
ok Marta shut up now please

Maybe I've been too tough. 
So I also have to say that I've seen many looks with those items that are soooo good!

Let me know in comments if you think the same or I've become crazy haha
this post was supossed to be brief

Fendi goes with Fendi

I love that Fendi jacket. I bought those Fendi glasses and that Fendi skirt in the last Fendi collections. I've used the jacket once or twice. Same about the glasses. Never used the skirt.

That's why I'm so proud of this outfit.
finally using those clothes yay!

I guess Fendi goes with Fendi.

3 February 2018

back to the 00's

Do you know these times when you're bored of your closet, so you need to buy something new but you have no money? That happened to me a few days ago, so I went to Starplaza and after a while I found these Rio men camo trousers.
I bought two, yes. For 45sc each (such a bargain right?). 

I bought two because when wearing men clothing, it doesn't fit at 100% in the doll, so with two clothes you can fix that. 

I usually see lots of possibilities in men clothing, that's why I liked them (I know... their quality... I don't care much about it).

SO I challenged myself to make an outfit with them! At first I tried to wear them as trousers, but when I made this skirt I just LOVED it.